
Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plant.

  INDEX 1. Concentrated Solar Power Plant 2 2. “India One” is a 1 MW electrical Solar Thermal Power Plant 3 3. Technology Suitable for India   4 4. BLOCK   DIAGRAM     5 5. CICRCUIT   DIAGRAM     6 6. Types of concentrating solar thermal power plants   7 6.1 Linear concentrating systems   7 6. 1.1 Parabolic troughs   7 6. 1.2 Linear Fresnel reflectors   8 6. 1.3 Solar power towers   8 6. 1.4 Solar Dish/Engines   9 7. History   10 8. Current technology   12 8.1 Parabolic trough   12 8.2 Enclosed trough   13 8.3 Solar power tower 13 8.4 Dish Stirling   14   9. CSP with thermal energy storage   15 10. Deployment around the world   16 11. Efficiency   18 12. Cost and Value   18 13. Future   20 14. Very large-scale solar power plants   22 15. ADVANTAGES OR DISADVANTAGES   23 16. REFERENCES   24 Concentrated Solar Power Plant Concentrated solar power (CSP, also known as concentrating solar power, concentrated solar thermal) systems ge